An Amazing Checklist for Moving Into a New House

An Amazing Checklist for Moving Into a New House

Ready to move into your new home? This is an important time for you and your family, and rightfully you should be excited. However, the move can (and most likely is) very hectic for you. After all, moving from one place to another requires a lot of work.

More so, moving requires some serious attention to detail. Prepare for your new home ahead of time. Make a list of the things to take care of as soon as you move in.

You need a list for moving into a new house - and luckily for you, this article has the list that you need. Find out what to do to make sure your move-in is a complete success!

Checklist for Moving Into a New House

Every good move starts with a good checklist, and this is just the one that you need. We'll go over a few of the things that you need to do to make sure your move is flawless.

Get Your Appliances up and Running

One of the first things to do with your new home is to check out all of the appliances. You'll be relying on your in-home technology like the refrigerator, oven, and heating unit quite a bit, so it's definitely a smart move to make sure they're working correctly.

If you’re bringing your own appliances, make sure you schedule an appointment ahead of time for a technician to prepare your appliances. The technician will disconnect and ready them for the move. You will also want another appliance technician to come to your new home to hook-up the appliances and make sure they are safe. Your moving company won’t provide this service but might be able to help you find technicians who do.

Get the Locks Changed

Your new home most likely had previous owners, and you never know how many sets of keys might still be out there that were never returned. Spare sets my be floating around with neighbors or the previous owners’ family. Change out your locks ASAP to ensure the safety of you and your family.

Remember to change the garage code too!

Complete Safety and Home Maintenance

Moving to a new house is a fresh start for you and your family. Get that same fresh start with your new home’s safety and maintenance features as well.

Check the batteries in all of your home’s smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and replace them with fresh new ones. Replace carbon monoxide detectors that are over six years old and replace smoke detectors that are more than ten years old.

Replace the fire extinguishers with new ones. And locate your electrical panel as well as all emergency shut off valves.

Don’t forget to replace the air and furnace filters and rinse off the air conditioning unit with the hose.

Not only can leaks run up the water bill, but they can also cause rotting if left on their own. Worst yet, they can come from anywhere in the home. Take care of leaks as soon as you get the chance.

Equally as important is to test the sump pump as soon as you move in. You don’t want to be caught off guard with a flooded basement.

Let's Get You Moving

Now that you have your checklist for moving into a new house, you can be confident your move will be flawless.

Ready to start your move? Call or send us a message to find out how we can help you. We look forward to making sure your move is a success!

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