From the First Box to the Last: How to Plan Your Packing List

From the First Box to the Last: How to Plan Your Packing List

If you're adequately prepared for a move, then you'll have a packing list for moving.

Whether this is your first move or if you want a better moving experience than last time, you need to know how to pack for a move.

Read on to learn moving out essentials for creating your packing list, from the first box to the last.

Your Packing List for Moving

If you're considering how to pack for a move, making a packing list for moving is the first step. There are a few steps to follow for making this packing list.

  1. Take inventory of everything you own. Go from room to room to make sure you leave nothing out.
  2. Ensure you have all of the moving supplies you need (boxes, bubble wrap, labels, etc.)
  3. Create a separate list for valuables for insurance purposes and to make a note of any special packing needs.
  4. Make an essentials packing list, which includes things you need that you'll pack last.

Now, it's time to get rid of anything you no longer use. You can do this through donations or a sale. If you have time, a garage sale or an online marketplace are excellent ways to make extra cash.

Tips on How to Pack for a Move

After creating this inventory list and purging your extra items, you should first pack things you use less frequently, such as items in storage or off-season clothes. These are first on your packing list because they are usually already in boxes or containers, ready to be moved. Make sure you label these boxes as you go.


If they are not stored, the best way to pack clothes for moving is using wardrobe or cardboard boxes. Suitcases or duffel bags are a great hack, too, as they're bulky and difficult to pack away. If you have it, a vacuum and compression bags will save you lots of space and protect your clothing. Place those vacuum-sealed bags in moving boxes, label the boxes and you’re set.

Other Items

The other priority items on your packing list for moving include china or rarely used dishes, artwork, decorations, knick-knacks, and extra linens (e.g., towels, sheets). Make sure you label boxes appropriately to save yourself the hassle.

Entertainment media, such as books, records, and any video items, should be next. Your non-essential electronics are next, followed by furniture and large appliances.

Pack Your Moving Essentials Last

Your moving essentials are the last thing you pack. These are items that help you clean up while packing or prevent you from unpacking your neatly packed boxes to find items that you need. Other essentials are for emergencies or to keep you supplied and fueled during the move. 

Your essential box should include:

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Aspirin or pain relief
  • Toiletries
  • Coffee maker or instant coffee
  • Disposable plates and utensils
  • Snacks
  • Tape
  • Box cutter or scissors
  • Trash bags
  • Hammer and screwdriver
  • Batteries and extension cords

These items are essential because they come in handy for uninstalling decorations or appliances you'll be moving. Your essentials box is the last thing you pack when moving so that these items can stay handy and be the first box available when you arrive at your new place.

Making Your Move

If you need any other tips on planning or packing for your move, don't hesitate to contact us. Be sure to check out our website for more helpful moving information or to get a free quote from Brooks Transfer and Storage.

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