How to Make Your Office Move More Eco-Friendly

How to Make Your Office Move More Eco-Friendly

Sustainability and being kind to the environment have become especially important to business owners. If you are facing an upcoming office move, you can maintain your mission to stay eco-friendly. Check out a few tips below as you plan your office relocation.

1. Plan ahead.

Prior planning sets the stage for a move that involves less waste and fewer resources overall. An office move naturally takes a great deal of planning. However, an excellent moving plan will also negate issues with the following:

  • Unused resources, such as purchasing moving supplies you won't need
  • Unnecessary waste because you will ensure time for decluttering and recycling
  • Too many trips between the new and old office space

2. Donate or recycle unwanted items.

An office relocation can result in a substantial amount of trash. Many business owners choose to use the opportunity to dispose of old equipment, furniture, and supplies they no longer need.

To keep the move as eco-friendly as possible, don't just throw away anything you're not taking to the new office. Donate unwanted furniture, electronics, and other items to local charities or schools. For instance, schools may use old office supplies or furniture in classrooms.

Additionally, many items that would normally go into the trash can be recycled, including:

  • Outdated electronics or technology equipment
  • Metal shelving units or filing cabinets
  • Paper waste or shredded paper files

3. Choose sustainable packing materials

When people consider packing supplies, they look for items like foam packing peanuts, bubble wrap, or possibly even plastic containers. While these can work, they may also not be the most environmentally-friendly options. Instead, look for supplies that are either easily recycled or made from recycled materials, such as:

  • Packing peanuts made of recycled paper or biodegradable materials
  • Corrugated cardboard boxes
  • Plastic containers that are recyclable or made of recycled materials
  • Packing paper

4. Conserve energy and water during the transition

Be sure to power everything down at the location not used. For example, a standard desktop computer can pull anywhere from 60 to 250 watts of power. Therefore, if you move a bunch of computers to the new office, turn them all on, and those computers don't get used for a while, you will be wasting electricity unnecessarily.

Likewise, watch out for high-energy use with the HVAC system. For instance, there may be no need to keep the new office cooled if there is no one there. Lastly, keep an eye on water usage. It can be easy to leave a faucet or hose turned on amid a move when people may not pay much attention.

5. Work with a good moving company

If you are concerned about staying eco-friendly during the office relocation, working with a moving company is best. Operating one large vehicle and taking the bulk of the business assets in one or two trips is more economical and environmentally friendly. A full-service moving company may even help with your to-do list, such as sourcing eco-friendly moving supplies.

Are you ready to discuss your office move with the professionals?

Office moving may be stressful, but with a little extra help, the move can be carried out in a way that keeps your priorities in mind. Contact us for a free moving quote and discuss the specifics of your business move to get started.

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