The Hidden Costs of Complete DIY Moves

The Hidden Costs of Complete DIY Moves

Sometimes moving can be overwhelming, particularly if you decide to go it alone to save some extra cash. The problem is that total DIY moves don’t always save you money. There’s hidden costs that go into complete DIY moves.

The Costs of DIY Moves

The Potential for Property Damage

When moving furniture through narrow doors or hallways and up steps, there is always the potential that bulky, heavy furniture items could leave a dent in the wall or chip off quite a substantial amount of paint. Without the proper equipment and training, moving these items yourself isn’t always the best idea. Additionally, you don’t want to run the risk of that new, favorite TV of yours being damaged during the drive over to your new home or carrying it into your living room.

Time Off from Work to Pack and Move

Packing and transporting all your possessions on your own can be incredibly time consuming and could require you taking time off from work to make sure that it all gets done in time. These hours away from work could add up in your next payroll check. Don’t forget about how inefficient moving will be on your own without the proper loading solutions and the furniture re-assembling that will be involved.

Renting a Moving Truck and Paying for Gas

Unless you plan to make dozens of trips in your car, you’ll probably be renting a moving truck and unloading equipment to transport your items into your new home. Moving trucks alone can cost you significant money, with additional costs for gas and mileage on the vehicle.

The Price of Insurance

When transporting delicate and expensive items to your new home, insurance is essential to invest in. Most professional moving companies already have insurance when you hire them. The cost of insuring that huge flat screen TV you’re moving yourself can add up, and you know you don’t want to run the risk of not having it insured.

Work with Professional Movers for a Better Return on Investment

When transporting your belongings to your new home, think about hiring Brooks Transfer & Storage. As a leading professional moving company in the Hamptons Road area, we have been servicing the needs of the community since 1878. Our loyal customers know the value they receive when hiring Brooks Transfer & Storage. To let us handle the heavy lifting for you, reach out to us today at 1-800-544-1265 or fill out our online contact form to receive a free quote!


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