8 Common Mistakes People Make During a Move

8 Common Mistakes People Make During a Move

Moving can be a complex process, and it is common for people to miss a step or not realize the importance of following certain best practices. The following are eight common mistakes people make during a residential move.

1. Not Creating a Moving Checklist

Planning a move involves many moving parts. Once your move is imminent, the first thing to do is start writing a moving checklist. This way, you can get a jump-start on your planning and organization. Ultimately, a list ensures you’ll be less likely to forget important details. Relying on your memory is a big mistake to avoid.

2. Neglecting to Declutter Before Moving Day

Packing a cluttered home is often a time waster, involves using extra boxes, and costs more. The best thing to do before beginning to load boxes is to declutter. Donate, give away, sell, or throw out anything you no longer want. Do this before your move. You’d be surprised at how much this one step improves your moving experience at both ends.

3. Packing Boxes Inefficiently

Inefficient packing is another common top mistake. Avoid this blunder by grouping like-items together according to room. Put the heaviest items on the bottom, and take extra care when wrapping fragile pieces. Also, properly tape and label your boxes.

4. Waiting to Research Movers

Many people eagerly plan their move but wait to contact movers until after their plans are set. This is a big mistake since moving companies’ calendars fill up, especially during peak moving season. To get the best prices and find a mover that aligns with your expectations, start early and plan to get at least three estimates.

5. Not Booking Movers Early Enough

Even if people take the time to research movers, they wait to book. Often, they either hope for price drops or simply procrastinate. The best prices and selection of moving days are almost always more available if you book movers earlier than later.

6. Failing to Submit a Change of Address

Changing your address is an important detail that many people overlook. To avoid the complications associated with this misstep, submit a change of address form with the USPS. Also, remember to contact employers, schools, banks, insurance companies, and other vital entities.

7. Neglecting to Obtain Parking Permits

Depending upon where you move, you may need a permit or other permission to park. Make sure you have prior consent to park a truck on the street or approval by the rental complex to use a designated parking spot (e.g., close to the elevator, back entry, etc.) on moving day.

8. Forgetting Your First-Night Bag

You’ll need a few essentials on your first day. However, sometimes people overlook this task with all the hustle and bustle in the timeframe leading up to moving day. Make a list of items each household member will need for your first night in your new home. Next, pack these separately with descriptive labels so you can quickly identify them.

Moving Made Easy!

A little extra planning goes a long way. By avoiding these mistakes, your move will go more smoothly. Working with a professional mover can make your move more manageable. Contact us today for a free quote.


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